Gaulish Hearth & Earth

An Ancient Order of Druids in America Nemeton

Welcome to the Gaulish Hearth & Earth, where the flame of knowledge and the roots of tradition intertwine

AODA Gaulish Druidry

​​​​​​​Our Nemeton is for members of AODA that want to adopt a holistic Gaulish approach to their AODA Path that harmonizes both the internal and external facets of our spiritual journey.

  •  “Hearth” symbolizes our personal and domestic spheres, with practices that nurture our homes with mindfulness and care. We aim to explore sustainable living, cultivate sacred spaces within our residences, and immerse ourselves in practices that infuse our daily lives with a deeper connection to nature and the self.
  • “Earth” embodies our unwavering dedication to the broader environment, the natural world, and the community at large. This commitment may manifest in the form of celebrating the Earth’s cycles through rituals and seasonal observances, practicing mindfulness within natural settings, and actively participating in community service and environmental initiatives. 

By grounding our group in the symbolism of the Hearth and the Earth, we create a connection to both the inner and outer realms, enriching our AODA path with a connection to the spirit of Gaul.

Ancient Order of Druids in America (AODA)

Ancient Order of Druids in America (AODA)