
  • Seasonal Celebrations
    Dive into the rhythmic dance of nature by participating in our celebrations of the Solstices and Equinoxes. Immerse yourself in the Alchemy of the seasons with Samorix, Giamorix, Lituia, and the Sprits.
  • Rituals and Meditations
    Join us in the enchanting realm of rituals and meditations that unveil the mystical dimensions of Gaulish spirituality. Explore the sacred spaces within, guided by the wisdom of our shared traditions.
  • Monthly Gatherings
    Every month, we come together to share in the collective journey of discovery. From assisting each other in studies to unveiling the artistic expressions of our community, these gatherings are a kaleidoscope of knowledge, creativity, and camaraderie. We will have interactive Q&A sessions where you can ask questions about AODA and Gaul. At time we will also express our unique connection to Gaulish spirituality and AODA through the language of art, music, and writing.
  • AODA Initiations
    For those embarking on the path of deeper commitment, our Gaulish Hearth & Earth offers AODA initiations for both Candidates and Apprentice grades. Experience the sacred rites that mark your journey into the mysteries.

Gaulish Hearth & Earth will host activities within the Galatîs Litauiâs Discord Server. We will post an event calendar for you in the coming days.